Peer Reviewed Articles Abour Marketing Cars to Students

Did y'all know that 95% of car sales today are made at the dealership, only search is the start identify people get to brainstorm their buyer'south journeying? It is clear to most automotive marketers that online advertizing is primal to bring new leads into the dealership. Yet, this automotive marketing strategy comes with many challenges (and costs).

One of the biggest challenges automotive marketers face is gaining the trust of their leads. Subsequently all, the task of a marketer is to help bring leads in the door so the sales team has people to sell to. But in such a competitive industry—one where the consumer is making a rather large financial decision that will affect their everyday life—automotive marketers do not take information technology made in the shade.

image of woman on car

So how can automotive marketers deal with these challenges? Past beingness smarter about their online advertisement. 97% of people looking to buy, repair, or customize a car get-go their journey online.

ix killer automotive marketing strategies

As daunting as it is to annunciate in the motorcar manufacture, in that location are some tried-and-truthful ways to achieve sustained success. Here are ix automotive marketing strategies that yous tin can use to drive more sales this year.

ane. Build trust with customer reviews

I volition never forget leasing my first car. I went for the reliable, affordable, and decent-looking (in my stance) Honda Accord, only I was terrified at making this decision. I spent months doing inquiry, calling local dealerships, considering whether leasing or buying a used car was the ameliorate route to go. At the terminate of 24-hour interval, I decided where to look in person by reading customer reviews on Yelp and Google.

The signal of this anecdote is this: Reviews are probably the most effective automotive marketing strategy there is.As an automotive marketer yous need to non merely ensure you lot have GOOD reviews, only you need to get above and beyond to ensure these glowing reviews are everywhere they tin can possibly be. Yelp, Google, social networks, your ain website—ensure yous are covering all your bases! You can also take things a step further by creating customer success stories and videos with your most valued customers, and use these in various places, like paid social ads, your website, or your newsletter.

automotive marketing customer reviews

When it comes to automotive marketing, there is no amend way to instill trust than to let your customers speak for you!

2. Be at the top of the Google SERP

As mentioned in a higher place, when I starting time started searching for my new car where did I turn to? Google, of course! I am not lonely in this. According to a report from Kenshoo, seventy% of consumers researching cars plough to search engines kickoff.

Since Google is the first line of defense you need to exist at the very top! Especially because how often people curlicue to the bottom of the SERP (HINT: it is not ofttimes). The start few listings always get the well-nigh clicks, so ensuring you're in the top positions is disquisitional to your automotive marketing success. To do this your Google Ads strategy need to be extremely effective. So how can you lot get to the top of the page without completely breaking the bank? There are certain strategies that Google tends to favor, and volition help you arrive college positions without spending more. Follow these tips to become started:

  • Ensure your Google Ads account is structured properly with tight-knit advertisement groups (aim to have 15-20 keywords per advertisement grouping).
  • Keep keywords tightly related to your ad text, and include 2-iii ads per advert group/keyword list.
  • Use ad extensions! Google loves them, and they will help yous go more than advertisement real estate and chances of pb interaction.
  • Add negative keywords to block out irrelevant searches (and keep a close heart on your search query report).
  • Allocate your budget properly between campaigns. What are your highest sellers? What is your target audition nigh likely to search for? Bid college on these items to capitalize on what is pop amid your audience

It's also important non to forget about other search networks, like Bing.

Bing Ads breakdown by audience

While Bing might seem like the neglected cousin of Google, they do account for a department of the search market place that typically attracts older folks—people who are probably more than financially established and able to invest in expensive cars.

3. Bid on competitor keywords

While we're talking about search engine marketing, it's of import to non simply be behest on the obvious keywords similar "new Honda Accord." You lot should also gear up an automotive marketing entrada to tackle your competition.

It is a fierce and competitive world in automotive marketing, so existence able to show upwards every time your contest does with compelling advertising copy is fundamental. While I would non recommend saying anything negative or using your competitor'due south proper noun in your advertising copy (which Google could put you in fourth dimension out for), you should bid on your top competitors brand names, and create highly persuasive ads to get leads to visit your website over your competition.

I love this ad from Toyota for case:

automotive marketing search ad for college grads

While I can't see if they're bidding on competitor keywords or not, I dearest how they are highly-seasoned directly to a specific demographic, and calculation value for that individual right in the headline of their ad.

4. Actively manage your negative keyword list

Did you lot know that your ads can show up for searches that are non relevant to your business? And if anyone clicks on them, yous yet accept to pay? Whenever you are behest on broad or phrase match keywords the potential to show upward for irrelevant searches is present.

While just bidding on verbal match might seem like a nice solution, this will greatly limit your reach potential, which makes the procedure of identifying negative keywords critical to your automotive marketing strategy. While searching your search query written report might feel like a time-consuming job it is an absolute necessity, peculiarly in the automotive industry. If your ads are appearing for irrelevant search terms your business organisation instantly loses brownie. This is why being cognizant about setting upwards negatives to avoid irrelevant search queries is not but going to save y'all face, merely also going to save you money.

For example, imagine if you're bidding on the keyword "affordable cars" and your ad appears for the search "toy cars," and so a busy parent accidentally clicks. This is not but a waste of time for the parent, merely it's a waste of money for y'all!

search results for "big toy cars"

WordStream Advisor makes information technology quite like shooting fish in a barrel for you lot to manage your negative keyword listing through tools similar the xx-Infinitesimal Work Week, which helps weed out irrelevant searches, and our search query report to detect and configure your negative keyword lists.

five. Arrange your entrada budgets based on car-buying trends

Is Black Friday the hottest day to buy a car? What about Memorial Day Weekend? There are many unofficial "machine-buying holidays." According to an analysis done by and U.S. News & Earth Report, you lot can purchase a vehicle for vii.5% to 8% below MSRP if you're strategic about when you buy it. Assuming your audience has washed their fair share of research, they are aware of these automotive deal times. Check out the study here to read more about the days of the week and times of twelvemonth that bargain-shoppers are likely to browse for their next vehicle.

Effigy out when things are decorated, steady, and ho-hum and so adjust your online ad budget appropriately. Make sure your windows aren't too narrow. This oftentimes requires planning ahead, but Google and other ad platforms brand it fairly easy to adjust your budget on an ongoing basis. Merely make sure you're actually doing this!

automotive marketing ad schedule

Some other thing to take advantage of is ad scheduling. When do customers typically come into the store? Weekends? Weekdays post piece of work? Await at the information to determine this and set an ad schedule and then your ads are but running at a higher budget right before these key times, reminding your time to come customers to come on by.

six. Target the correct people with your automotive campaigns

What type of automotive business organisation are yous marketing? Who is your typical customer? At that place needs to be a different automotive marketing strategy for marketers of luxury Porshe and BMWs versus marketers of used cars or more affordable brands like Honda and Toyota. The prospective customers have drastically different concerns, questions, wants and needs when information technology comes to investing in a new car. While your Mercedes client may be more concerned about their heated seats and leather interior, your Honda buyer most likely intendance more nearly gas mileage and longevity.  Although this might not always exist the case…

image of people on car

"Those who buy luxury cars more than likely crave social status and material wealth, as opposed to utilitarian cars which consumers purchase out of necessity," says Julia Manoukian.

Different automotive marketing audiences need to be broken downwardly and targeted separately. Considering the main things your audience cares most is a disquisitional manner to become the right bulletin to the correct person and increase the chance of conversion.

If necessary, you lot may need to split your audiences into two, 3, or even four separate campaigns to ensure yous're sending the right bulletin to the right prospect. And, of class, with tools like Facebook'due south targeting options this is not as circuitous equally information technology once was. Just ensure y'all spend the time to define your audiences and so you can arts and crafts the right message to the right person at the correct time!

7. Compel shoppers to come into your store with unique offers

Why should I buy a machine with you versus the automotive dealership down the street—or 1 that's more than conveniently located or better priced? A crucial part of your automotive marketing strategy is disarming your prospects to choose you over your competition.

If there are not any obvious reasons, like having the everyman prices or the all-time reviews, brainstorm some unique incentives and offers you lot can provide to prospects. For example, yous could offer all new car buyers a 5% discount or peradventure free oil changes for the beginning two years. Incentives are as well great for creating a sense of urgency to spur people to buy with you earlier they miss out on a special limited-time offer.

Check out the deal below for $1,000 for college graduates. What a slap-up incentive to bring new motorcar buyers in at a time when they are likely searching for their post-college vehicle.

automotive marketing deal for college grads

8. Use all telephone call features possible

Call-merely campaigns, telephone call extensions, mobile bid-adjustments, and phone call tracking—these are only a few of the Google Ads features that the automotive marketer should be prioritizing. Phone calls are common and important within the automotive industry, and phone leads are easier to turn into sales.

Here's a run down of the various options when it comes to increasing your phone call volume:

  • Call-only campaigns: With call-only campaigns, your behest and paying to get a call rather then a visit to your website. It's important to realize that your strategy need to be different for these compared to a regular search campaign. Bank check out this postal service for some tips on doing these right.
  • Call extensions: Call extensions are a bit different than call-merely campaigns. The choice to visit your website is still in that location, but at present yous can add an extension to allow for telephone calls, too. You can too schedule these to only show during business hours, when people are available to answer the phone, which is pretty neat.
  • Mobile bid-adjustments: Where are people most likely to call from? Their cells phones, duh. Luckily, Google allows y'all to adjust your mobile bids, so you lot can make certain to bid college on mobile traffic to bring in more rings.
  • Call tracking: Lastly, information technology's critical to track your calls in order to understand where your ROI is coming from. For more on phone call tracking, check out this post.

cold calling in The Wolf of Wall Street

While optimizing your automotive marketing campaigns for phone calls might sound like a lot of work, it will exist well worth the effort in one case your phones first ringing off the hook.

ix. Remarket!

Remarketing is a critical component for automotive marketing. Since there is then much comparison shopping going on, and the sales process is such a key component of the car buying process, information technology is of import to not lose new leads in the marketing stage of things. Giving them reminders through intriguing remarketing ads is one not bad fashion to ensure no leads fall out of the funnel.

With remarketing, you tin lower your abandonment rate and close more deals by showing enticing Brandish ads to people who recently visited your site, in guild to remind them you're at that place and lead them through the process. Attempt showing them a deal to go them to come into the store. This will ensure yous're able to go them continued with your stellar sales team.

You can configure remarketing campaigns through Google Ads and social platforms, including Facebook.

automotive remarketing ad

With the aid of these automotive marketing strategies, your campaigns should take off at a lightning pace. Y'all'll be delivering new leads to your sales team in no time!


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